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Do Your Products Shine?

I help nonprofit tech companies grow revenue by showing the brilliance of their products.


Products don’t win on technical merit alone. Your ideal customer needs to see how you're different.
When your value shines, you stand out in a sea of choices. Your product is illuminated and bottom-line magic happens.

When You Shine
The Rest Follows


Attract Your Ideal Customer, Faster

Increase win rates and sales velocity by focusing on defined segments of organizations who love your products and make the best customers.


Build Better
Sales Pipeline

Move prospects to action with messages that reinforce your differentiated value and spark engagement at every step.


Demand Generation

Leverage the right tools, GTM motions and processes for your unique stage of marketing-led growth.


How I Can Make Your Products Shine

Ideal Customer Alignment

Understand the attributes of your best-fit customer to realign your marketing campaigns, sales motions and roadmap.

Product Positioning

Revitalize your positioning with differentiators that resonate with your ideal customer is today—not last year.


Drive demand with messages that click with your best-fit customers throughout their sales journey.

Lead Generation

Attract and convert leads by creating systems and automation to nurture them through the sales journey.


Create content, events and webinars to engage your ICP around your unique value.

Hi, I'm Jeanettte

Here to make your products shine

Throughout my career, I’ve been deeply immersed in the social impact ecosystem, increasing revenue for top nonprofit tech companies—from startups to NASDAQ—across marketing, product, and sales.

I began my journey as a public lands organizer, so know how to motivate people to take action—whether on issues or purchasing products.

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Accurate. Custom. Actionable

Positioning Workshops

Messaging Playbook

Marketing Systems

Sales Pitch & Collateral

Lead Generation

Account Segmentation


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What Tech Leaders Say 

Jeanette is one of those rare marketers that can tease out what makes your product truly special, and help communicate its value to the world. Working with her is a no-brainer if you want your business to grow, fast.

Jeb Ory, Founder - Phone2Action

Jnet Marketing shows the brilliance of products through GTM alignment for social impact tech companies.

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